Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Reflecting on the FOA

My Further Oral Activity was about how African-Americans are being stereotyped in the media through the use of advertisements. I showed how the languages of the advertisements are able to stereotype them as well as other key things such as images, facial expressions and colour.

I analyzed 3 advertisements, the first one being an ad from Maxwell House (famous coffee brand) produced in the 1950s, the second a Nivea ad produced in 2011 and the third being an ad from Elliots paint and tarnish promoting white paint which was produced in the 1930s.

In my presentation I feel like I did well in the criteria B which was analyzing how the language is used. As I was preparing for this presentation, I was always focused on this criteria and read the language of the ads word by word as I wanted to take away as much as possible from this criteria and score well in this category. Although overall aside from this criteria I feel pretty disappointed in my FOA performance as I feel like I did not do very well as I hoped for in criteria C and criteria D as I could have spoken with better usage of language and I could have definitely organized my work more, something which I should have done all this time preparing as I didn't structure my FOA much. I felt like my presentation was kind of rushed and I was a little bit nervous, I need to slow down my presentations a little bit more and just take it in easy overall.

I chose my 3 ads because I felt that all of the 3 ads enhanced the stereotyping of African-Americans effectively and they had a lot of little things which could be analyzed and that was something I felt that I did overall a good job in. I feel like I did my best and put in my full effort to analyze the language, advertising techniques, ethos pathos logos, colour, characters looks etc.

What I can take away from this FOA is that I need to spend more time rehearsing this presentation, focusing more on how to structure the presentation and use better quality words in order to improve my grades the next time I do an FOA or IOC. I have learned how to overall be a much better speaker and presenter to this class after this FOA experience.

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